
How it works?

Here at World Delete we believe that procuring our services operation of the same should be simple and pragmatic.

World Delete services are divided into two blocks:

Block 1

Removal of Internet content

Block 2

Elimination of financial debts or financial records from compliance databases

Operation of the services and procurement of the same is very similar case since the main differences are questions of terminology.

Block 1 terminology:

What is Removal of an URL?

The content is totally deleted from the Internet and its search engines. When database clients try to access the URL they mostly get Error 404.

What is Modification of content?

Unwanted content is changed. The customer’s or company’s name is deleted or replaced by its initials, thus preserving the content but not the keyword(s). 

Keyword or keywords are search terms used by the database’s client to locate the content that our customer wants erased.

What is De-indexing of information on the Internet?

The content is removed from Internet search engines.
The search fails to return the result when the database client keys in the name of our customer. Therefore they cannot find the information they are looking for.

Petition for Information

We attend to the petition on the behalf of the client or business to find negative information on the internet.

Classification of Content

We share the negative publications found on the Internet with the client through our reputation protection experts.

Contractual Documentation

We give the client a private contract between the company and the client that specifies the information to be eliminated, the price and the guaranteed success

Find the Responsible Parties

We identify the webpages with negative content and the responsible parties for said content.

Elimination Management

Our IT specialists and their tools, along with the professional team of World Delete analyse the content to process its elimination or modification.

Information Eliminated

The negative or prejudicial content against the reputation of our clients has been eliminated with success. The client can monitor the results obtained at any time.

Deleting detrimental content de from any platform on the Internet.